google adwordsでお知らせ
Your account just got bigger
You can now have up to 10,000 campaigns, 4 million ads, and 100,000 ad extensions per account.
AdWords account limits
These are the limits for an AdWords account:
- 10,000 campaigns (includes active and paused campaigns)
- 20,000 ad groups per campaign
- 5,000 keywords per ad group
- 300 display ads per ad group (includes image ads)
- 4 million active or paused ads per account
- 3 million keywords per account
- 10,000 location targets (targeted and excluded) per campaign, including up to 500 proximity targets per campaign*
- 100,000 active ad extensions per account
- 1.3 million references to ad extensions per account**
Most advertisers don't reach this limit. Many accounts are best organized by creating one campaign and several ad groups within that campaign, and two or three ads and 10-35 keywords within each ad group. Learn more about structuring accounts.
If your ad groups are close to reaching their keyword limit, we'll place a notice in your account. Learn more about keyword limits and how to create an effective keyword list.
*The location targeting limits apply to AdWords.com and the AdWords API. Please note that AdWords Editor does not yet support the new location targeting limits. The location target limits in AdWords Editor are 300 targeted locations and 300 excluded location targets.
** For example, suppose you have one campaign that uses a sitelink extension. Then you add three more campaigns, each sharing the same sitelink extension. Then your account has four references to one active ad extension.
** For example, suppose you have one campaign that uses a sitelink extension. Then you add three more campaigns, each sharing the same sitelink extension. Then your account has four references to one active ad extension.
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