上部メニューのAdd new projectをクリック
まずは、上部メニューの Add new project
Main address of your website[directroy]
あなたのホームページのアドレス 例:http://hogehoge.com/
Name for this project
この設定の名前 ※自動で、ドメイン名が入力されます。特にこだわりがなければ、そのままで結構です。
step1of4:Website Address
step2 of 4:some options オプションについて
these options define how the program will check your site and which pages it should look at.if your's unsure,just leave them with the default settings.
□ URLs are case-sensitive[Linux/Unix-servers]
Some servers think that files with a different case[e.g. /page.htm and /PAGE HTM] are different file[usually Linux or Unix server]. Ohter servers ignore the case[e.g. Microsoft Windows servers]
□ Include default filters for Session-IDs?[phpsessid,phpsessionid,sessionid,session,etc.]
Session-IDs are special parameters that some server-programs add to links. They usually look like this:'...&session=AKLSJDAKHUIEY7.You should not include these in a Google Sitemap. this option will remove the most used session-IDs automatically.
List of file-extensions to check:
File extensions are the endings of the file. Dome files can be checked by this crawler,some can't.The crawler can only check text-based files-these are also the only ones allowed for Google Sitemaps.
Ohter file -extensions to list inthe sitemap file:
□Images:gif,jpeg,jpg,png,tif イメージファイル
□Videos; asx.avi,mpeg,mov,ram,swf,spl,wma,wmv 動画ファイル
□Office files:dnl,doc,lwp,pdf,ppt,rtf,wks,wri,xls,xpdf オフィス系ファイル
□Other files:log,mid,mp3,txt,wav 音楽ファイル
step3 of 4:Your FTP-Server
if you want to upload your sitemap file automatically,you can specify your FTP server here.
□Upload sitemap file[s] via FTP
step4 of 4:What can I do for you today?
These are some of the steps I can do for you today. I woukd suggest doing them all.
The file ROBOTS.TXT can be used to tell search engines where they shouldn't be looking. It's usually used to make sure that administrative pages aren't listed,etc. If you have a ROBOTS.TXT,it's important that you also exclude these areas in your sitemap files.
□ Check for custom file-not-found error pages
Some server have custom 'file-not-found' pages which look like normal pages. If a server has dhis,it can be hard for a search engin[or me]to tell if a page really exists or if it's missing.With this option I can check for that[but you'll need to tell me what part of the page is the error message].
□Import known pages from Google
Unless this is a really new site,Google will already know something about your pages. With this option,I'll check with Google first.Doing that can help the program get started faster.
□Scan your website now
If you're satisfied with these settings,I can start scanning your website right away.
クロールが完了しても、URL list ページに何も表示されていない場合は、[ Refresh Table ]ボタンを押して、ページを更新しましょう。すると先程まで表示されていなかったリストが表示されます。
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